Friday, December 16, 2011

Long Sickness Haul-but has a end!

This is a long post, sorry! As you all may know I have been on and off sick for alittle over 4 weeks, many trips to the doctor, gall bladder ultrasound, stomach ultrasound, pelvic ultrasound, a night in the ER. All coming up with nothing wrong, and I was normal. Still having stomach aches and nausea....they referred me back to my OB doctor. I could not get in to him, so I insisted that I see someone. Glad that I did. I saw a Dr. Jacobs. He told me he knew where I was coming from, but it was not a OB issue, it was a stomach issue. Said he would see me to the end and help me get where I needed to be. He set me up for a a couple of CT scans for the following Tuesday. Told me some signs to watch for and if they got worse to call him. He had 3 ideas of what it was: Diverticulitus, Bowel Obstruction, Adhesion disease. That was on Thursday. Saturday morning got up and was about my business when something happened in my stomach area, I knew it was not normal, called my husband at work and headed to the ER. I was not there very long, when I had two CT scans, and IV in my arm, and a surgeon in talking to us. I had a abcess that had burst and was on the bowel wall. My diagnosis was a serious case of Diverticulitus. They contacted Dr. Jacobs and he would be in to see me. I was admitted to the hosptial on Saturday, had IV antibiotics and medications, Tuesday I was headed to Surgery. I want to say that Sunday and Monday is a fade for me, I do not remember much because I was so sick and out of it. Tuesday morning came and we were set for surgery. There was two things on my mind, One: it was Willys P-Day and how would he handle the news of me, Two: I did not want to have to have a "poop" bag! So I go into surgery. I am in the recovery room, and as I am coming to, I ask the dear old man nurse, "do I have a poop bag?", he said, NO Dear you do not not, your surgery went well. That is the last thing I remember until he gave me a Orange popscicle. He was my new best friend. When I was admitted to the hospital, ALL food stopped. I got ice chips....Now I am not a small gal! Ice Chips. Needless to say, I have survived. I was anxious to get to the room and see my family after knowing that the surgery went well. I got to the room and the first thing I asked Rhubin, Did Willy write and how is handling all this? Yes he wrote he is good, and said I would be well taken care of while he served his mission. I remember rambling on and being in and out of it. I had several IV's during my stay, they kept blowing so my poor arms have tons of bruises. They said next time I ever did something like this, a PICC line is what I would need. I got to come home on Thursday night. It is nice to be home, but I know I have a road ahead of me to recover. I am so blessed for the doctors and for Dr. Jacobs for listening and being on the right track! Today I am glad I am able to get up and walk around, and be home with family.

1 comment:

  1. so glad to hear you're doing better! I can think of a lot to say, but we'll keep it clean :) So glad everything is ok! Let me know if you need anything!!
