Monday, December 19, 2011

Gratitude, Service, Tis the season!!!

As I have been able to watch more TV than usual and see things that are going on all around I feel so blessed with what we have. I watched the CNN Heros the other night and was enlightened with many things that we take forgranted. Thank you to all those people who protect us and help those in need. There are so many people who donate time and put others first. As I have been sick and not been able to do much I have been a receipant of this time of service. I am always willing to help out wherever needed, but when the roles reverse it is hard to a receiver. It is the most busy time of year for the holidays and and I have had meals coming in to our home so that I do not have to cook. I am so grateful for those people that have helped "lessen" my load. This I am very greatful for. I hope that I can do something in return for someone this season as well. So with all this being said, please be grateful for the many things we have that other countries do not have, let others do service for you and in return you help someone else out along the way, and remember the real meaning of Christmas. Thank you for unconditional love!

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